Karuna On-Demand Video
Karuna at Home Any Time of Day
Karuna On-Demand offers you the option to practice yoga asana with Paul at any time from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you may be at the moment. Prerecorded classes and specialized videos are available here for rent.
Through this service, you may rent:
Individual classes
A host of videos with a monthly membership
On Demand Options
Individual Video Rentals
Video Pricing
Pre-Recorded Classes - $8
(Three Day Rental)
Monthly On Demand Subscription
$50 / Month
Access to pre-recorded Classes for a 30-day period.
Video Series
Sample Video
In this video sample, Paul will guide you through Maricyasana III from the Advanced Twisting video including the binding action of the arms around the back and bent leg.
Let’s walk through this pose step-by-step together. (Filmed in partnership with Fit Streams Club).
Sample Video
The Introduction to Yoga series provides a program to strengthen your body and mind and kick-off a yoga practice that can grow for years.
Practice these sequences and learn the basic postures of yoga, gain strength, and enhance your flexibility. (Filmed in partnership with Fit Streams Club).